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  1. We can ship to most countries in the world, Exclude North Korea, South Sudan, Palestine. You can select the Destination country at the Checkout page when fill in the bill address. then you can see if this product can be delivered to that destination country.
  2. Orders handing time:1~3 working days.
  3. Delivery times displayed on LEDsupermall.com refer to the estimated time it takes for packages to leave our hands.
  4. We try to make the delivery process as simple as possible and we are able to send your order either to you home or to your work place. We can ship to PO Boxes via all shipping methods, except for DHL/UPS/FedEx/EMS Shipping because signatures are required upon delivery. DHL/UPS/FedEx/EMS can only be delivered to physical addresses. If you really need to ship the package to a PO BOX then you will need to select Free Shipping as the shipping method
  5. Shipping and delivery times are calculated in working days from Monday to Friday. In the case of major holidays such as Christmas and the Chinese Lunar New Year, please allow extra delivery time. During those special occasions we will provide notices to reflect possible delays.
  6. We ships packages from Shenzhen, and operates a return address in Shenzhen.
  7. Customers are responsible for providing complete and accurate shipping addresses. We can not make changes to your shipping address once a package has been shipped, and LEDsupermall.com is not liable for packages lost due to incomplete or inaccurate addresses.
  8. All orders reported as “delivered” by shipping companies are considered delivered. we cannot be made liable of non-delivery in this case. You need to claim it by yourself with your local post office.
    Since the actual delivery of your order can be impacted by many events beyond our control once it leaves our facilities, we cannot be held liable for late deliveries. We will, however, work with you to ensure a smooth delivery.

Shipping Method

We provide the shipping methods as Free Shipping and Express Shipping. you can select it at checkout page.

  • Free Shipping – Airmail delivery. When the package arrives in your country, it will be delivered by your country's post office.
  • Express Shipping - DHL/UPS/FedEx/EMS, you will get your order fast. Normally it can delivered in 3~5 working days.


  1. Logistics Agent: Yun Express , Tracking Link: https://www.yuntrack.com/
  2. Logistics Agent: 4px , Tracking Link: https://track.4px.com/
  3. Logistics Agent: SYD Express , Tracking Link: https://www.17track.net/

Estimated Delivery Time

  • Ship to United States: 7~14 days for Free shipping and 3~5 days for Express Shipping
  • Ship to European Union: 10~12 days for Free shipping and 3~5 days for Express Shipping
  • Ship to United Kingdom: 7~12 days for Free shipping and 3~5 days for Express Shipping
  • Ship to Canada: 10~15 days for Free shipping and 5~7 days for Express Shipping
  • Ship to Australia: 10~15 days for Free shipping and 5~7 days for Express Shipping
  • Ship to New Zealand: 14~21 days for Free shipping and 5~7 days for Express Shipping